I am learning - slowly - that working with children means you'll be awarded an express ticket to having pneumonia in the hospital if you don't take care of yourself. Listening to one's body is a lot different from knowing that one should listen to their body. Taking care of oneself is all about listening to what the body has to say.
I've always forced myself through sickness. Dragged myself out of bed, gotten through the day despite the fact that I was in pain. This is the stupidest thing a person can do. It is so wrong, wears the body down, makes a person weaker and ultimately more susceptible to further sickness - like me lately. After several days of doing just that I went to the doctor Thursday short of breath, fearing I had driven my poor self to pneumonia. I don't have pneumonia, but I do have a bona fide case of the flu and a doctor's note that I stay in bed until Monday. By the time I had left the doctor's office, bought some soup and was waiting for the bus home, I felt that familiar surge of adrenaline kicking in, my tired heart and weary body thinking it needed to gear up to get through another day. I thought to myself, maybe I'm not that sick after all - clearly was not listening! By the time I got home, back into bed and relaxed I felt worse and worse and worse and even worse still by the time I got up today. Mind over matter is a horribly dangerous thing. It puts such undue stress on one's adrenals, heart and immune system. I am finally starting to understand what it means to listen to my body. And all this time I thought I knew...
I'm going to be a lot more serious about my health from now on. I'm going to eat things that make me feel good and avoid the things that don't, I'm going to listen to my body, rest and manage stress healthily, truly take care of myself. All of the small decisions I make now will affect my enjoyment and energy now, how I age, the health I am able to pass onto my children during my pregnancies with them and ultimately my longevity and theirs. It's all important. Now and then.
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