Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Waldorf, Hands On Learning and the Thesis Continues

I'm experiencing insane levels of stress as I finish my papers for my Masters in Education. The papers are due March 15th which feels like it's just a weekend away and I've run out of time. I still have three and a half weeks until Joel gets here and my goal is to have the papers completed by then. It's just overwhelming. School everyday, come home, eat, feel so tired that I just want to sleep, try to work on the papers, can't sleep because I haven't finished enough on the papers. Sick with a stomach thing last week, now sick with a bronchial/sinus thing this week. The whole staff is sick, sniffling and miserable. The stress levels are high for everyone and I've got this research, writing and Masters on top of it. It's too much. 2007 really hit the ground running.

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