Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Zurich: Orange Cinema

Last night J and I went to watch a movie outside at the Orange Cinema on the lakeside. We had no idea how awesome it would be! Orange Cinema is definitely less about the movie and more about the whole experience. Photos and more after the jump.

As soon as you go through the entrance, it's a mad dash to reserve a good seat. They hand out these clapperboard cards and you write your name on it and put it over your seat. The doors open two and a half hours before the show starts, but that's no problem because there is plenty to do in the meantime.
We got seats in the super comfortable reclined lounger chairs down in the front section, but not too close. Then we headed over to the bar for an Aperol Spritz.
Everywhere you go in the summer, you see people drinking these in Zurich. Nothing says summer like the bright color and bubbles of an Aperol Spritz!
It was so nice to have a long conversation and time to focus on each other. Naturally we talked a bit about Coco, but we also had a great time talking about other stuff. It was the best conversation we'd had in months!
We sat at the top of the stairs and took in the spectacular scene. It's so amazing that this entire outdoor cinema is temporary and recreated every summer. It is such a cool, chic summer experience.
As night began to fall it was time for the show to begin and the place took on a new feel.
Then snippets of songs began playing loudly to signal everyone to find their seats.
We got all settled in with our blankets and waited for the show to begin!
Then the moon rose up over the lake and it was gorgeous in the twilight and the crowd was buzzing with anticipation.
Then the screen came up and the view of the lake all around was stunning!
I was so surprised at how great the sound was considering we were sitting outside under the stars. A few times during the show, we saw lightning in the distance. It was amazing!
We saw Moonlight Kingdom and although we love most of Wes Anderson's films, we thought it was just so-so. Luckily, the Swiss prefer to watch films in their original language. At first, it's a bit distracting that there are German and French subtitles, but after a while you don't even see them anymore!
By the time the credits were rolling, the moon was shining brightly high in the sky and it was time for us to walk home. We will definitely make Orange Cinema part of our summer every year that we are in Zurich. It was completely rad! Have you been to Orange Cinema? Do you have an outdoor theater where you live?

Monday, July 30, 2012

Fall Fashion: New Watch

Isn't this this Marc by Marc Jacobs watch gorgeous? I knew immediately when I saw it featured on Making it Lovely that I had to have it as my fall and winter watch. It almost makes me excited for shorter days, falling leaves and big chunky sweaters. Almost, but not quite.
Last summer, after living in Switzerland for a year, I realized it was time to buy a watch. In this place being two minutes late is a grievous offense! I still offend grievously, but at least I know exactly how late I am! ;) After five years of not wearing a watch, it's exciting that I'll have two. I was thrilled to find my Skagen watch last summer. The only problem is, it's white and ceramic and so summery. I honestly felt a little weird wearing it during the winter. This watch is just what I need. Rose gold is everywhere in the fall collections and I absolutely love it. True gold is just too bling for me, but this rose gold watch will add some subtle glamour to my look everyday. I can't wait to have it! What trends are you loving this fall? Would you wear rose gold? 

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Baby Favorite: Frozen Peas

I got a tip from a friend last week to give Coco frozen peas, straight out of the freezer, as a snack, or appetizer, or treat. Today we tried it out and they were a super hit! :) So soothing for those teething gums and a new sensation to experience. Not to mention the fun of fine tuning that pincer grip and getting them into her mouth. 
I'm looking for other snack ideas for Coco. That way, while I'm heating her baby food, she has something to keep her occupied and happy. What are your baby's favorite snacks and treats? Which ones are not so great?

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Zurich: Monocle's Most Liveable City

My dear friend Kate, who lives in beautiful San Francisco, sent me this video from Monocle a couple of weeks ago. Since watching it, I can't get it out of my head. All along, I've known that Zurich is truly special. It's no exaggeration that I feel thankful for how beautiful and wonderful this city is every. single. day. But sometimes it can be hard to explain to people back home exactly why we love it so much. Not anymore! Here, in this six minute video, is a quick synopsis of all the nuanced (and obvious) reasons why Zurich is pretty much the most perfect city in the world. We are so lucky to live here!
Give it a watch and see what you think. We loved going to the badi in the opening scene before Coco was born, and the closing shot is in our neighborhood. Have you been to Zurich? Does this video make you want to visit? Or maybe move here?

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Home at last!

We are finally back home after our road trip around Corsica and through Tuscany. I have never, ever, in my entire life been happier to be back in the comfort of my own home. There is a lot to say about our trip, not all of it pretty, but not tonight. I am so tired I can barely see straight. For now, I'll share with you my favorite photo of the trip, of Coco and me on top of the St. Bernard pass just before we crossed the Italian border. Do you remember those way-up-high-in-the-Alps scenes in The Italian Job? They were at the St. Bernard pass. :) So beautiful. We were at 10,000 feet in this photo and then literally at sea level sailing to Corsica that same evening. Isn't that amazing? It's kind of a metaphor. The whole trip went along like that, with highs and lows, and good and bad. We learned a lot about traveling with a baby and (maybe) some day we'll do it again. Although, right now I'm thinking probably not. Goodnight! xo

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Cloth vs Disposable Diapers

There is Coco, just 13 days old in a really huge Kissaluvs Marvels All-in-One. Let's digress for a minute and swoon over this photo. Look at those tiny little legs! A far cry from the little chubber she is now. Way to go, breast milk! And would you believe that's a 0-3 month Onesie? She's swimming in it! And she still has her umbilical cord stump. Oh my goodness! It's so hard to believe how quickly she's grown into an almost crawling little lady. Back when she was 13 days old, she spent a lot of time sleeping in my arms. That time I cherished and loved and soaked up and basked in. And I'm so glad because look how quickly it's gone by and who wouldn't want that tiny little bundle swaddled up and sleeping in their arms? It makes my heart swell! I am so thankful for all of the newborn sleeping in arms time that I had with her. It was precious beyond words. She is definitely not a newborn anymore. Poof! Just like that. 

So, that diaper. I have three of those Marvels all-in-ones and they're one size fits all! I think I might go down to the cellar and get them out again. Why? Because I'm starting to see that we're spending a LOT of money on disposables. And...I think that my failed cloth diaper use the first three months of Coco's life was due to our very broken washing machine, not user error, and the washing machine is going to be fixed on Tuesday. 

I finally took the reigns on the laundry situation and called the Miele repairman myself. It turns out that the shocks on the drum are completely shot and a very important piece is broken, which is why water has been leaking everywhere for the past year. Yes, leaking water for a whole year! It's pitiful. But, while I was pregnant and cradling that sleeping newborn in my arms, it was not a priority. Now that Coco scoots around the apartment and eats potting soil when I'm not looking, it's a priority! Tuesday will be a beautiful day. I am honestly so excited to have truly clean clothes again. And with a fully functioning washer and dryer, maybe we should give cloth another try?

Over the past six months that we have used disposables, I have had the good fortune to have lots of coupons for diapers. But even with a 4 for 3 deal, or a 20% off coupon, or a 25% off coupon when you buy two, they're still really flipping expensive! The other day I was showing J the two types of plastic bags we have in the kitchen because the Ziplock bags are crazy expensive, so they're only for freezing baby food purée. The plain non-closure sacks are for other, non-freezer uses. I said dramatically that the Ziplocks are 18 Rappen (Swiss equivalent of cents) a piece! How's that for pricey? Wait a minute. Hold the phone. The diapers are 30 Rappen a piece - on sale! Yikes. Now that is expensive. Especially because we use 35-42 of them per week. Ziplock bags are clearly not the budgetary problem here! 

So, I'm really thinking we need to reconsider cloth. When we get back from our camping trip, I'm going to dig out the one-size-fits-all Marvels and give it another whirl. I bet with a tip-top operative washing machine and sunny days for hanging them outside, it will be easy. At least for the summer. And I can think of better was to spend that 50-60 Francs each month. 

Have you flip-flopped between cloth and disposables? What was the main motivator? Money? Environment? I'd love to hear! xo

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

On Living Far from Home

Today I participated in the Twitter Bomb for HR 4170, the Student Loan Forgiveness Act. I was pretty hardcore about it. I sent a personal tweet to every representative on the committee! Do you know what I said? I said that as two teachers saddled with student loan debt, we moved abroad to be able to afford to have a baby. And you know what?

It's true.

Don't get me wrong. I love living in Zurich. I'm insanely happy here. So it's not like I'm in exile or anything. But, if I'm perfectly honest, I never expected to like living here (let alone love it!) and one of the main reasons we came here was money. In Switzerland, unlike the United States, teachers are paid well. Another deciding factor was the excellent healthcare in Switzerland. Both things made having a baby here completely awesome. I want to do it again in a couple years!

Back in Portland, we were both working full-time as teachers in a private school, but with our loan payments, which were equal to our rent each month, we were living paycheck-to-paycheck and having a baby was out of the question. So we got a job as apartment managers and didn't have rent anymore! It was extra work on top of our full-time jobs, but it did make things easier. Even without rent, it still wouldn't have been possible to live off of one income so having a baby still seemed impossible. 

Then we started exploring our options. As Montessori teachers, each with a Masters in Education and  German (J) and French (me) language proficiency, we had a skill set that made us eligible for work visas abroad. We considered jobs in Germany, France and Switzerland and then we moved to Zurich. We had intended to wait a few years to start our family, but I had a burning case of baby fever and I could think of nothing else. I couldn't wait any longer than the requisite three months so that my semi-private health insurance would cover the birth nine months later. I had to be pregnant! And then I was. It's hard being away from family, but I am ridiculously grateful everyday for this insanely beautiful life I am living. We live in the most expensive city in the world and yet the life I've always wanted is more feasible here than in America, the land of dreams come true. 

So that is really why we came here. If the Student Loan Forgiveness Act goes through, it will mean good things for us. We don't want to stay here forever, but we also don't want to live paycheck-to-paycheck and have no retirement. If you'd like to participate in the Twitter Bomb, tweet with the hashtag #ListenToTheMillion and ask congress to hold hearings on HR 4170. Do you have a lot of student loan debt? Has it held you back in life?  

Monday, July 09, 2012

Baked Potatoes on the Grill

Baked potato night is one of our favorites, but baked potatoes from the grill are even yummier! I'm in the process of perfecting our grilling/picnic kit after Saturday night. We packed up and grilled by the lake at sunset. It was dreamy!

I have to admit that when we moved to the city last summer and gave up two balconies, I was a little worried about not having any outdoor space. Here in Zurich lots of people don't have any outdoor space, but the city is set up so beautifully, you almost don't need any. In the Coop, you can buy potatoes pre-wrapped in gold foil for grilling and single use grills. The grills light with just one match and give your food that wonderful charcoal grilled taste. Isn't that just too perfect?

When we move back to the States we will buy a house. Then we'll have plenty of outdoor space, and I'll love it and never take it for granted! Lately I have days when I really want a garden for Coco to (very soon) crawl around in, or to be able to hang out laundry in the sun, and I'd love to grow veggies and flowers. When that time comes, it will be lovely. But for now, city life in Zurich is pretty much as good as it gets! Do you have outdoor space where you live? Do you use it as much as you could?

Friday, July 06, 2012

The Perfect Eggs and Hashbrowns

Lately I have a new obsession. Hash browns topped with over-medium eggs, bacon, cheddar, diced avocado and Tapatío hot sauce. It is unbelievably perfect. Heaven on a plate. What an odd twist of fate. After months of missing and pining away for Mexican food, hash browns and breakfast sausage, I've pretty much learned to make everything I love and miss by myself and from scratch. Bravo!

If you would like to recreate this perfect breakfast (it also makes a good lunch!) I've shared the recipe with you after the break. :)

The key to really yummy hash browns is super hot oil. I use organic sunflower oil and you want it to be shimmering before you throw your shredded potato in there. Do you see the shimmer? That's on high heat right there. No messing around or you'll wind up with soggy, greasy hash browns. No, thank you! Put the oil in the pan to heat up while you prepare your potato.
A regular cheese grater will get the job done just fine, but a mandoline makes it that much easier and faster! Wash and peel your potato and then shred. Now wait for the oil to start shimmering and then toss it in. Use a spatula to spread it evenly in uniform thickness.
Once they're in the pan sizzling away, be patient. I typically put a lid on them and dice the avocado. Then I check my email or do whatever dishes are lying around while I resist the urge to check on them or touch them. Wait until the edges are well browned if you like 'em crispy, or golden if you don't. Then use your spatula to loosen completely and flip in one piece!
Grate some cheddar while you wait a few minutes more. Then put the finished hash browns on a plate and sprinkle with the cheddar. Set aside while you make the bacon and eggs. 
I like to use a little cubed pancetta when I add bacon. I just toss it right in and sautée a few minutes in the leftover oil from the hash browns. Then I break the eggs right on top, pour in a half an eggshell of water on the exposed bottom of the pan, and throw the lid on it to trap in the steam. I take the eggs out promptly when the whites are done, thanks to the steam, and the yolk is still runny. Yum!
The eggs go on top of the cheddar-sprinkled hash browns and then the diced avocado and lots of Tapatío go on last. Enjoy!

What is your favorite breakfast? And, more importantly, do you prefer hash browns or homefries? xo

Thursday, July 05, 2012

4th of July in Switzerland

Yesterday was Coco's very first 4th of July. We had chili dogs at the neighbors and then we all went down by the lake to light off some fireworks and do sparklers. It's always a little weird celebrating the 4th of July outside of the United States, but we had a very fun and festive time, wore red, white and blue (my outfit was the neon version ;) and even encountered some fellow Americans out celebrating in Zurich.

More photos after the jump if you'd like to see. :)

Our gluten-free American flag cake with cream cheese frosting and fresh berries. Delicious!
Coco practiced getting up on her knees and then scooted all over the grass. Her white polo onesie was filthy when we got home! 
Naturally she scooted right for the desserts, but I managed to get this picture first! 
She had a great time and is very proud to be American! Apparently Geneva has a huge fireworks display over Lac Leman because there is such a large American population there. Maybe we'll head that way next year! 

What do you do to celebrate the 4th of July? Have you ever celebrated from abroad? xo

Monday, July 02, 2012

The Extreme Weather Weekend

Our weekend was completely awesome. J was feeling super sick Friday evening because he was still recovering from a virus he had picked up at school. But then, by the time we'd had breakfast on Saturday morning, he was starting to feel better! It was a super hot, sunny day, so we got our stuff together and headed down to the Badi for a relaxing afternoon of reading, swimming and taking in the view. It was pretty much the perfect day.  
I'll probably say this a million times in my life, but once you have a baby, you just don't travel light anymore! It was blistering hot on Saturday, so we were really thankful for our umbrellas. I had my first swim of the season and the lake felt like silk. It was also so disorienting/liberating/amazing to dive in the water without a big pregnant belly! First time swimming since giving birth. Wowza! 
Coco got all tuckered out splashing around in the baby pool, which is probably the cutest thing you'll ever see. Sorry I don't have photos, but I wasn't brave enough to bring my camera to the baby pool for two reasons: One, because there are children. Everywhere. And some of them are running and cameras are expensive. Two, because Coco is still quite tippy when she's sitting and I'd feel absolutely terrible if she tipped over while I was several feet away taking her photo instead of sitting right behind her in case she falls. Particularly into the water, even if it is only two inches deep. That's just not a risk a mommy takes! So, for now, no pictures. But I'm sure we'll come up with a team system to get her photo splashing around in there. That is if the weather ever returns to being summery. 
Which takes us to Sunday. My goodness! Sunday was probably the stormiest day of all time. We woke up to hail the size of nickels. Some people will tell you they were bigger than that, but let's be literal. They were not the size of golf balls. Not even close. But they were definitely the size of nickels, maybe with the odd quarter thrown in. It was so loud and scary. I thought - I don't know what I thought - I just woke up in a state of panic and J was already out of bed and on guard and confused and then he said it was hail, so I started to get back into the bed until I saw the ice cubes being hurled out of the sky and then I closed the window and just watched in complete awe. It was scary. Hazardous. It made me glad we don't have a car that we park on the street. It didn't last long (and it was hot out so those ice balls melted quickly!) but I did get one, not very good photo. Yikes.
The pouring rain and thunder and lightning continued all day. So I did what any normal person would do. I baked cupcakes while Coco pushed around on the kitchen floor squealing with delight. Gotta love that girl. She's enthusiastic and can entertain herself to boot. 
Why is it so satisfying to cream butter and sugar together? I can never resist tasting a finger-full before adding the eggs.
Vanilla extract is definitely on my list of goodies to have my mom bring from the States when she visits this summer. Along with a bunch of other things I can't think of right now and really need to start writing down so I don't forget! 
I was a hopeless baker until I got pregnant and heard an invaluable trick from my friend Romy. Her advice: Don't use a timer when baking, just go off of how it smells. When it smells ready, it's done. Infallible!
I've taken to baking everything gluten-free with this flour. So far cakes and cookies turn out perfect. J took a dozen cupcakes to work, we have a few left and the rest went to our wonderful neighbors. So far I've yet to get a picture of one frosted because they're gobbled up too quickly! A sure sign they're yummy. :)

What did you get up to on your weekend? Did you have crazy, night and day weather back-to-back, too? Happy Monday! xo