Last night I went with Sarah, Joy's roommate, and her friends Katie and Megan to see the fireworks display at Catonsville Highschool. Catonsville is a few towns down Frederick Road (the road that goes all the way to "the west") from Ellicott City. I was impressed with their fireworks display. It was mostly impressive because we were right underneath them and they made my whole body rumble as they exploded overhead. We got there early, laid out a few blankets and played cards until the fireworks started. I really suck at cards. Maybe that is a skill I will have to refine in my repertoire. Cards can be fantastic fun and the perfect social activity.
Katie has a little white Cabrio like my beloved Cabriolet only newer and still operative. We drove around with the top down and when the traffic was so heavy we were barely moving, Sarah and I sat up on top of the back seat like we were on an Independence Day Float in a parade and waved to lookers on as Katie blasted an Ace of Base remix from the stereo. That was definitely the highlight of the evening.
One thing I'll really miss about the east coast is being able to wear a tanktop and skirt after dark and not get cold. Not even going fast in a convertible. Awesome.
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