Sunday, March 21, 2010

Delightful Day

It's hard not to enjoy the first day of spring break.  I slept until a quarter past nine, ate a leisurely breakfast of sausage, fresh eggs and hashbrowns, drank not my usual one, but two cups of coffee and stayed in my pajamas until mid-afternoon!  Once I finally decided to don daytime clothing, I took care of some paperwork, got together three bags of clothes to get rid of and even took out the garbage.  That's when I realized how decidedly summery it felt outside.  I got together my things and headed out.  It was a lovely day for walking and being about town.  After getting a few errands taken care of, I had a cup of Tomato Orange soup at Elephant's and read the latest issue of Real Simple.  Now I'm home and you can't imagine how lovely it is to sit and read at this table on an evening like this one.  And, of course, it's needless to say that I am head over heels for our magnolia.  I'd like to give that tree a hug.

1 comment:

Kyrie said...

It's like being in a (fancy) treehouse! How gorgeous! xo K