Saturday, February 20, 2010

Bring on the socks.

Today I'm starting a knitting class at Twisted which is conveniently located just three blocks from my apartment. I cannot wait to learn how to knit toe-up socks on two (!) circular knitting needles. This morning I got online and watched a few videos of knitting basics because I realized I had pretty much forgotten everything I already know about knitting. I refreshed myself on how to cast-on and then learned some new tricks. Not remembering anything has its upside, I discovered! This morning, I officially converted from being a "thrower" or "English" knitter, to being a "picker" or "Continental" knitter. That definitely would not have happened were I well entrenched in the habit. Rah!
Doesn't that buttery yellow yarn just make you feel all fuzzy inside?
Class doesn't start for an hour so I'm going to get out, enjoy some of this sunshine and play with my camera. À bientôt!


Kyrie said...

Ooh, have fun! Knitting is my fave. :) And Continental is way faster!

Lindsey said...

Oh yes, Kyrie! You taught me to knit, remember? Well, re-taught, I suppose. When I finally come to visit, I'll bring my knitting and we can have some tea!